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Black Book Éditions, le site de référence des jeux de rôle

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Le jet opposé rend compte de plusieurs passes d'arme échangées. Effectivement c'est celui qui obtient la plus grande marge (SL) qui l'emporte (et à égalité il me semble que c'est celui qui à la compétence la plus élevée)

Pour compliquer un peu les choses, les maladresses et critiques se regardent par rapport au jet de compétence (et non au résultat du jet opposé)

Ainsi le défenseur peut réussir un critique (un double sous sa compétence si la compétence est appropriée : pas en esquivant ou contre un projectile lointain par exemple) tout en perdant l'échange. (tu regardes d'abord les éventuels critiques et maladresses puis tu compares ensuite les SL). Un attaquant peut réaliser une maladresse et gagner tout de même le round... (si il se blesse à cause de sa maladresse, notez qu'il perd tous ses éventuels avantages)

Ce sont des réponses officielles (sur discord)


En effet tout round se termine par un gagnant et un perdant ! ca peut paraitre paradoxale mais ca fuidifit le jeu

après you are ze master : tu fais ce que tu veux !!


Après en tant que MJ tu peux déterminer qu'un échec en attaque et un échec en défense, fait un statu quo et remet les pendules à zéro, personne ne gagne d'avantage...


Voici un petit interview d Andy du 18/09/18:

Tout sera développé dans de futurs suppléments, voici ses réponses:

[13:47] My name is Andy law and I’m the producer for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. If you want to know more, it’s time to ask.

[13:50] My biggest regret is not being involved from the beginning — I adored the creation process (the writers behind this game are the best), so I wish I’d been involved right from the start. The game was in development for about a year when I first stepped in, so I was walking into an established ruleset with an established set of boundaries, and my job was to…

[13:51] I really wish I’d been there from the beginning, as the 6 months or so at the tail-end involved some of my favourite gaming collaborative moments of my life.

[13:52] So, biggest pumping victory is almost certainly getting to sit down with the biggest WFRP fans in the world and tell tham that not only was their game going to continue to live, but that it would be moving in lots of fun new directions. In the coming months there are going to be a few surprises, and they are what excite me the most.

[13:58] Dedicated books for different species: Yes, there are plans of this type, and more…

[14:01] And, yes, there is an Perception stat. In this case, it’s called Initiative, and also stands in for speed of thought. It is directly related to your Perception skill.

[14:02] Guides to other grand provinces: Oh yes!

[14:03] Lizardman species as players: that one I’ll not answer, as the plans are yet to be firmed up there. But, well, it would be cool, huh?

[14:04] Planned releases: To a degree, yes, but there will always be an agile nature to our release schedule, as you will see once the Starter Set is released.

[14:07] Skaven and Undead books: a chance for such products? Yes. Will they come soon? No, but also yes, to a degree. There are plans to cover some of that material in the initial year of releases, but those plans, as I mentioned earlier, will always be agile.

[14:10] Big campaign: We will initially have Rough Nights & Hard Days, which has 5 adventures that can work as a campaign. We will also have The Enemy Within Director’s Cut, which will have a completely new last two books. Beyond that, plans are already in place, and more will be announced.

[14:11] GM Screen? Oh yes!

[14:12] The Errata will be PDF only. We will also update the PDF sporadically, as required. Lastly, later printings will have some updates included.

[14:12] Old faith — Yes, it’s already mentioned in a few places. Albion. Plans, yes. Can I say more yet? No.

[14:15] Cerulean Shield — Hah! So got that one in, eh Ceodryn? It does exactly what it says: WPB Damage, which is modified as normal. This, obviously ignores metal APs. Then, as it’s Azyr we’re talking about, it bounces out once to all potential targets within 2 yards, potentially zapping them harder as the energy builds and cracks free. That rule is on…

[14:15] err…

[14:15] Page 248. I think.

[14:16] New system: In summary, we have added more options. We have Simple Tests that provide a simple yes or no answer to the question: did I succeed. This is typically a 1d100 roll needing to roll equal or under your Skill+20.

[14:17] Then there are Dramatic Tests which can provide lots of different answers to the question: Did I succeed? The more you roll under your skill, the better you succeed. The more you roll over, the worse it gets…

[14:19] And finally we have Opposed Tests, which are at the core of the combat system, and in this case, whomever rolls the best, wins the test. So, even if two characters with rubbish skills pitch themselves against each other, and even if both fair their respective skill tests, one side will not fail as badly as the other, and they are designated the winner. This m

[14:19] …means there is always a winner in a Contested Test, meaning something always happens, and you have no turns where people are swiping at each other and perpetually missing, which was the case for previous editions.

[14:21] Tome of Corruption? Oh yes! Realms of Sorcery? And, well, yes!

14:23] Shooting into combat: yes there are. We have modifiers for shooting into groups and penalties if you try to pick out individual combatants.

[14:24] More examples: Yes, there are plans for something like this. A list is currently being compiled.

[14:25] Gnomes: That one is tougher to answer, as I don’t make the calls on all content. What I can say is that we included a diminutive detective on page 64.

[14:26] Detailed Guides for new GMs? Yes.

[14:26] Question: are there plans to allow community content such as DMs guild on rpg drive thru or whatever?

[14:27] Glad to hear it. And, yes, I think I have.

[14:27] Skellan: Yes. Plans.

[14:27] How long of a leash is GW giving you with their content? Do they have final say in the content and rules? Are you free to add to the lore/species/ and canon of Warhammer?

[14:28] GW involvement: I can’t discuss that, but I will say that they have been absolutely awesome. I am seriously loving working with them.

[14:27] Are there any plans for the “timeline”/ metaplot concerning the End Times?

[14:28] End Times content plans? Yes.

[14:27] Question: Does spending a single point of Resolve remove all conditions or just one?

[14:29] Resolve expenditure: It’s clear in the rules: just 1.

[14:29] Crits with Ranged Weapons: I’ve put that in the errata.

[14:33] What’s your favourite player race and why is it halflings?

[14:34] So tempted to say Ogres… But, I’ve always loved Humans, as pretty much all my PCs are Humans. In terms of the non-Human races, I have no favourites. I love them all for different reasons.

[14:38] The master Index will be maintained as long as it can be for Careers. The master index was created with future releases in mind.

[14:40] If I could go back to the beginning and redo stuff, would I? Of course, we are always seeking to perfect and refine. The core rulebook was created by a great team who worked very hard to hit a deadline. Deadlines, by their very nature, mean time is tight, and decisions are made that we look back on and may regret. But would I change any of it?

[14:40] No, onwards and upwards.

[14:40] We did what we could, and we will always do better next time.

[14:41] Can you say how much you love our book? Yes, please do.

[14:42] Lustria plans? Yes. But we have a lot to cover to get there. But, definitely, yes.

[14:44] Supplements for Ulthuan et al: to a degree, yes to them all. But we have to temper that with the realities of time, release schedules, and just how much we can do in a day. But all of that will at least be touched upon.

[14:45] Was omission of magic items intentional. Yes. We will have more on that, too.

[14:43] Question: Andy, what are your thoughts on running a game without the Advantage system? Do you think this is something that can be sort of pulled out of the game? Will future books still lean heavily into the use of Advantage? I sort of like the idea that it can be used if you want but not “vital” to the game mechanics?

[14:44] Question. Will we get a monster manual in a time soon?

[14:46] Can Advantage be removed? It certainly can. Will we lean heavily into it in future rules? Not heavily, but we will be using it for a variety of purposes.

[14:47] More monsters: oh, yes!

[14:48] Araby, Nippon and Cathay. They are not currently on my planned list of supplements or areas I expect our game to tackle. Will we do so later? only time will tell.

[14:49] I know there is is at least one writer very keen to see us go down to Nehekhara… We’ll see if that happens. I would certainly like to go down that way at least once. The Lure of the Liche Lord for 2E wasn’t quite far south enough for me…

[14:52] Number of releases: Watch this space. That one will be answered very soon. I wouldn’t like to give my plan, only to ignore it three weeks from now. We do have a lot of material in the works just now, though.

[14:53] The new systems will add to the core, not replace it. Until I change my mind on that.

[14:56] PDF releases? Yes, that is part of the plans. Stress on plans. Announcements will firm that up in time.

[14:58] Elements of 1E and 2E that had to be revised: the biggest is long-term sustainability of the ruleset. And for one reason: The Enemy Within. Neither 1E or 2E can be play tEW end-to-end without breaking as PCs become too powerful and run out of careers and advances to work through. I’ve broken 1E and 2E so, so many times in my life.

[14:58] Given we were planning to release the Enemy Within, our system had to work with it.

[14:59] And that had enormous ramifications to almost all corners of the ruleset.

[15:00] Condition Cards and Tokens and similar? If there is a demand for them, and they are useful, I see no reason not to. If you don’t like such things, as they will be additional extras, you need not buy them.

[15:01] Old World Maps? I’m a cartographer amongst many other things. Yes, maps will be a thing. The more I’m allowed to make, the happier I will be. Time, though, is a perpetual enemy here. But, yes, we will map as much of our supplements as we can.

[15:04] How would I sell WFRP to D&D players? That depends entirely upon the players. I’ve never met a D&D player that I couldn’t get to enjoy WFRP, as it’s very unpredictability always delights. We may laugh when a mighty hero player is killed by a paltry Goblin, but there is also nothing more empowering and hilarious than watching the GM gape with horror as…

[15:04] ^

[15:05] …you stab a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch with a tiny magical Dagger, roll a Critical, and it dies.

[15:08] Ignorable End Times? Sure, but there is a lot of potential fun there.

[15:11] Who would I talk to in the Warhammer World? Oh, nice… Morathi or Malekith. That wouldn’t go badly, right?

[15:13] Bestiary: quite, and the lack of space for a bestiary was one of the reasons we designed the modular one we have in the core book. You can make anything you want with the tools in there.

[15:17] The magic system is very different to previous versions. 1E had magic points, we don’t, and magic can be cast as much as you want (but has consequences if you’re unlucky). 2E had a separate rule system for magic — we don’t; the core system used for all task resolution is also used for magic. 3E was it’s own beast…

[15:18] …nevertheless, we still took aspects of it, reflecting the different die results of 3E with our rules that let you cast your spells more effectively if you roll very well, making the spells adaptable in a way they weren’t in 1E or 2E. In short, our rules are different because we took everything that was great from the previous 3 editions, and…

[15:18] …wrapped it into 1 neat whole.

[15:19] Will Jon work on WFRP in the future? I’d certainly love him to, he’s the best.

15:22] Recommended Warhammer reading? Sure, Black Library has a wealth of old books and new that I cannot recommend enough. We all have our favourites, so I’ll let anoyone call out there’s in the chat if the fancy. Often you’ll finds it was the first books you read that have the biggest impact. I’ve been reading since the beginning, so books such as…

[15:23] …Drachenfels and Beasts in velvet have a special place in my Warhammer heart. Can’t help it. I read those first…

[15:25] How did we choose optional rules? Truly they are all optional. In my mind, there is no difference. Pick and choose as you will. That said, the core rules were selected, and they were for three primary reasons: 1) supporting the setting 2) supporting game balance 3) supporting fun.

[15:26] C7 at conventions? We sure will be, as and wehn we can. I’ll be attending Tabletop live at the end of the month, for example, and Essen is coming up soon…

[15:28] To what degree is the VTT market grossly overestimated? That entirely depends upon whom you talk to. Me, I like it, and that’s all that matters to me. I do it much less than I’d prefer.

[15:28] Essen-Spiel, 25-28 October.

[15:28] Bourbon… :O

[15:33] The print copies are printing right now. As soon as they send them to us, we will send them out. As soon as they confirm the books are shipped, we will inform you they are incoming.

[15:31] Communications: yes. We are moving our head office to Ireland; once that’s set up, the changes will roll out.

[15:35] If I weren’t working on WFRP, I’d love to be working on my personal games of WFRP. #It’sTheTruth But, if we’re talking as a job, and it’s in RPGing, it’s be an adaption of a favourite CRPG, like Mass Effect or maybe Horizon Zero Dawn.

[15:36] Ireland move: I’ll leave that for Dom to answer, as he was the one that made all the choices there. I am still in Scotland distance working like mad.

[15:37] Deluxe book: It is in print at the same time, but it’s a bit more complicated to finish, so may ship a little later. We’ll know soon.

[15:43] Rules for non-Empire folk? Yes, there are plans.


Vous avez reussi a glaner des infos sur l'avancement de la version FR parce que sur le facebook de Khaos Prject c'est le desert.


En même temps la vo n'est toujours pas sortie en dur donc il be doit pas y avoir grand chose a dire de plus.

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Baphomet_FR
Julien Dutel

Oups, autant pour moi, je pensais que la version papier était déjà dans les bacs de Cubicle (Je suis le seul a trouver leur site super mal foutu ?).


Pas de nouvelles info depuis l'annonce " trad en cours". Cela dit, les derniers errata VO sont récent. Je ne sais même pas si les livres VO sont livrés. Ce qui est sûr c'est que le starter deavnt être imprimé en aout ne l'est toujours pas.

Il n'empêche que certains ont déjà fait des aides de jeu sur ce W4.

Création de perso en VF.

AdJ MJ et PJs (récap règles, compétences et talents) en VO.

Il y a une arborescence des combats.

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Baphomet_FR

Merci pour ces liens plaisantin


Cela dit, les derniers errata VO sont récent. Je ne sais même pas si les livres VO sont livrés.

Non non, j'attends toujours le miens. ^^

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
Julien Dutel

Dur! J'atends la VF, mais j'ai déjà converti mon sorcierclin d'oeil.


J'ai l'impression que la VF risque de glisser vers début 2019 à la vitesse où c'est parti troublé


Vous avez reussi a glaner des infos sur l'avancement de la version FR parce que sur le facebook de Khaos Prject c'est le desert.


C'était annoncé pour 2018 la VF, mais je le sens mal parti ...


En même temps... la VO n'est pas sorti en version papier pour le moment alors qu'elle était annoncée pour le début de l'été (peut-être même fin de printemps quand j'ai passé la préco). Donc oui, c'est mal parti mais de tous les côtés. plaisantin


Pas mieux que Julien.

Chaque début de mois, je vais sur le site de cubicle et je constate que la parution de la version papier VO est reculée d'un mois en larmes

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de

Ce que je trouve plus frustrant c'est le silence de Khaos project. On dirait une entreprise fantôme qui a empeché les autres d'avoir le projet, puis a disparu. Pas un message, pas une publication, pas une annonce, pas de réponse sur facebook.

Le pdf VO étant sorti, on peut imaginer qu'il s'agit d'un problème de prod' de la version dure, donc que ça ne retarde pas la VF, mais en fait on n'en sait rien, rien, et rien.

Merci BBE de faire de la com' sur vos projets, vous vous êtes tops.

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Dohnar
Otto von Gruggen

S'ils ne disent rien peut-être qu'ils travaillent c'est tout.

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Otto von Gruggen

Le seul signe de vie que je vois sur facebook récemment, c'est un message il y a trois semaines disant qu'ils ne peuvent pas encore parler de suppléments, de mémoire. Dommage qu'ils n'aient pas profité de cette connexion pour répondre aux questions antérieures demandant si la traduction avait commencé plaisantin


Edit: pourtant j 'avais annulé "répondre".

Chaque début de mois, je vais sur le site de cubicle et je constate que la parution de la version papier VO est reculée d'un mois en larmes

Tant mieux je dirai. Le PDF béta était bourrée de bugs divers. C7 été tellement enthousiaste de sortir W4 qu ils se sont précipité (en minimisant les aléas ou alors c 'est la période de vancance). Je vous rappelle qu à l origine C7 voulait sortir une 2.5 et non une 4è édition.

Il nous ont annoncé un prématuré, nous aurons un beau bébé bien en forme! coolamoureux

Ce que je trouve plus frustrant c'est le silence de Khaos project

Comme dit plus haut que veux tu qu il disent de plus?

Ils ont déjà annoncé que la traduction avait commencé.

Nous savons que la VO a trois mois de retard sur le PDF finalisé, donc forcément il faut intégrer les derniers erratas. Et peut être qu ils ont travaillé sur l'ensemble du système à la recherche de soucis et échangé avec C7 dessus. Une fois le PDF VF prêt, il faut obtenir l'accord de C7 puis l'accord de GW, c'est cette dernière étape qui est le plus problèmatique et longue voir trop longue ( même s'il parait que GW a changé sa politique).

Cette dernière étape est nécessaire. Ni C7, ni Khaos Project communiquera dessus. Sincèrement tu les vois dire "nous avons envoyé le PDF à la validation de GW. Cela fait trois mois qu l'on attend une réponse, que dalle, nada!" ou un truc du style " Ils font chier GW, nous sommes leur collaborateur. Ils nous prennent pour des Cons!"

C 'est justement là où j 'attends de voir si GW a effectivement changer sa politique.

Le pdf VO étant sorti, on peut imaginer qu'il s'agit d'un problème de prod' de la version dure, donc que ça ne retarde pas la VF, mais en fait on n'en sait rien, rien, et rien.

Aurais tu chopé 1 PF qui t a fait dépasser le seuil? Le MJ :"Un tirage sur les troubles mineurs et d un!" clin d'oeil


Ce que je trouve plus frustrant c'est le silence de Khaos project. On dirait une entreprise fantôme qui a empeché les autres d'avoir le projet, puis a disparu. Pas un message, pas une publication, pas une annonce, pas de réponse sur facebook.

On reparle de Z-corps et du 7ème Cercle?

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Julien Dutel

Ce n'est pas la même situation.

Ce message a reçu 1 réponse de
  • Zonamage